Thursday, June 25, 2009


I am so flower illiterate. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE flowers (which is why living in the Netherlands rocks) but I just have no idea what most of them are called, beyond the usual Roses and Tulips! So, anyway, I had been reading so much about Peonies (sp?) and finally saw a picture of them and realised that yep, I quite liked them too. I bought a bunch on a whim on Saturday and they have been lovely...the only problem is that is has been warm (finally -hurrah!) and they had blossomed quite madly...I looked at them yesterday and for some reason they remind me of fat chickens stuffed into a coop awaiting slaughter. Not good. I can't but wonder though why I thought of that...weird. I don't think I' be buying Peonies again or perhaps I need to put them in a different vase!

It's been a nice day today as I finally caught up for a 'chat' with an old school friend (as in, someone I haven't been to school with for at least 30 years) because I was up at sparrow's fart this morning! She still lives in Singapore where we went to school together. She reminded me that I used to torment the little boy that was her her upstairs neighbour ... apparently I used to hit him with a hairbrush while we waited for the school bus! And here I am thinking I was such a lovely that's where my daughter gets it from!

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