Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday morning blues

This is the problem with weekends. Apart from going to fast, you also have too much fun and then Monday morning is a drag. I say this and I don't even have to go into the office as I'm not working right now. We had friends over for brunch on Saturday (the little girls had a great time playing) and then on Sunday, the bunnies we are adopting arrived before we headed off to Heerjansdam for Ava's 1st birthday party. E had an absolute blast, running around with bikes and pushing prams and splashing about in the kiddie pool! The weather turned on the warmth but with a bit of cloud cover, so I didn't need to stress too much about her lilly white skin getting sunburnt. I've been told I stress too much but hey, sunburn sucks and she is only 2 after all.

So, today, back to the reality of daily life again. My tasks for the day are to figure out a good bunny diet plan (I might try to sort out mine while I'm at it as the weight is returning) then do the grocery shopping for the week; finish the 'tractatie' for E's friends at creche as she's 'graduating' to a different group tomorrow (here in the Netherlands at creche when your kids have a birthday or something you are expected to give out little pressies to the other kids - I still find this a little odd) and post the kid's clothes I am sending to Orange Babies for charidee. And of course, pick E up from creche, make dinner and do the washing in addition to feeding and playing with Al. Ah, I am getting tired just writing about it but best get cracking!

Til later, txo

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