Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Flickr & IKEA

So I had a brainwave...put all the renovation photos on Flickr and keep the blog a bit shorter. Wheeeeee. I am such a newbie in the land of technology but I am learnin'! So, once I figure out Flickr then I'll let you know where the photos are. :-)

In the interim, here is a photo that has me filled with envy...bring on the 'pod' chairs as Moo calls them (actually they're Tulip chairs). Um...if I knew where this shot was from I would credit it but I'm not that organised as yet...actually, I think I have seen it a few times in a few different places...

I am off to see what I can find to furnish our new kitchen with that 'evokes' this without the $$$ (hey, if I had the $$$ then definitely would go for the real thing!)...IKEA does a couple of cool things like that...I wonder, does anyone out there think IKEA products will become design 'icons' one day? I vote for this light - it's pretty cool...unfortunately, mass produced means it is EVERYWHERE (including our front room!)......and well, pretty much a lot of the IKEA Stockholm series of stuff is pretty OK too.

Right, gotta fly, baybeeee duties!

'til later,


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