Saturday, January 30, 2010


The other day I mistakenly typed that I am god (I meant to type good) but was thinking this morning that while it was just a typo (I seem to have many with my 'mummy brain' right now), I was actually right.

I am god.

You are god.

We are all god.

We all have the light, the energy inside us.

It, is everywhere.

Last night I was in blog land, wandering as I do, and I ended up on a worship leader's site, which led me to the blog of another worship leader. She talks a lot about Him and His but she also appears to be a quite unhappy or angry. Or both. She seems to be trying to convince herself of something.

She offers to make us happy and is willing to do anything. I wish I could tell her - don't. Start with yourself. What makes you happy? Because, at the end of the way, each and everyone one of us is responsible for our own happiness. Noone can make us happy unless we choose to be. And an endless pursuit to make everyone happy
will drain even the most faithful, because some people just don't want to be happy. End of story. That's not good and it's not bad. No judgement. Just how I see it.

She talks about His plan for her. And emplores Him to show her what that is. I want to tell her to stop looking outward towards others and towards Him and to stop and listen to her own heart. Listen and truly have faith that it will tell
her what she needs to know. And only through that will she know what the plan is. Only through understanding that the light is inside her, will she begin to get it.

And finally, what I saw was so much talk of suffering. Talk of what she needs to sacrifice for Him. Suffering and sacrifice to me are things made of men. Love and the light do not ask for these things. While we may have lessons to learn from
loss, that is just what they are. Lessons to learn, not ongoing suffering in an effort to be "good".

From all this you may believe I am an atheist. You're a step ahead of me then because I don't rightly know. I asked to be christened at the age of 6 into Catholicism and have had wonderful teachers throughout my life, both Christian and otherwise. I believe Jesus existed and I believe the Bible is filled with amazing and insightful parables that we all could learn a lot from. What I know is that it, and books like it from other faiths, were written by men, just like you and I. Human, imperfect and doing our best with the resources we have. All I know is that I am open to the possibilities each organised "religion" has to offer. I see the similarities in faith we all have and the differences in interpretations by men that are possible. I am not openly religious, but I do have faith. I subscribed to my own interpretation (which I believe most of us do, if we're being truly honest) and I do my best to treat people in the way that I would like to be treated. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, because, all I am is an imperfect human, but in the end I hope to do more "good" than "bad".

I am still a babe in the woods and have much to learn in this respect but this is what I will teach my children.

To love themselves, forgive themselves and be kind to themselves. That is where it must start. And to have faith - in themselves and in others. We all have the potential for great things.

What they do with the stuff mummy keeps babbling about, well, that's up to them.

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