Friday, October 09, 2009

Less is more

Well, sometimes, more is more.

But I'm talking about quality rather than quantity for the sake of accumulating 'stuff'.

More - when it's about keeping up with the Joneses or about trying to buy happiness is NOT a good thing. More - when we are talking about things that make our heart shine and our faces break into smile, that's where its at.

This morning I was wandering the halls of the blogosphere, as I often do, seeing where things take me and I came across this one.


There was a post there that mentioned more is relation to his visit to Rome, I believe. I have to say I totally agree. Beautiful things that make the heart shine and the face smile.


I have been busy trying to make my home my sanctuary as things have gotten muddled for a while. Like the last decade or so as I have perpetually been living out of a suitcase of sorts, but actually I think even longer than that. Home has always been 'temporary' - I am a roamer at heart.

Itchy feet - ALWAYS. :-)

As soon as the roots start to take hold, I get a little scared off and begin thinking about the next place to go. Funny, but true. I sometimes wonder if its just that I'm in the wrong place and can't get settled and that there's a right place for me somewhere else OR if I will never be settled by a place per se, but require my own mental & emotional planting of roots somewhere.



On another wandeling (as the Dutch call it I think), I was reading about an artist that always takes the time to make a place her home when she moves in, regardless of how long she plans to be there as she needs it in order to be able to create - it rung some bells for me as I never seem to do that. I can live in places for years and still have unpacked moving boxes or things in storage elsewhere. One foot in
and one foot out the door.

This is my pattern but its not a good one because I think I need to feel more grounded. I crave a space that is my own, from which I can create. A space that nourishes me, protects me - a sanctuary to call home. A place filled with (beautiful) things that make my heart shine and my face smile.

Well, even if nothing comes of it I think its worth a shot and it just might help me stick here for a while - I know my family needs me to. So, time to get out of the electronic world of mine, open my eyes and see the place around me and make it mine. I'll let you know what happens. I am starting with the 4 week kitchen cure via The Kitchn - wish me luck.

Have a lovely weekend - I am excited about the journey I am about to start!

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