Thursday, August 06, 2009

Stay slim & save the world

"The links between overeating and climate change are becoming clearer. A study at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine concluded that an average (sized) individual emits about a tonne less carbon dioxide a year than a fat one.

"'When it comes to food consumption, moving about in a heavy body is like driving around in a gas guzzler,' say the authors, Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts."

From the Financial Times Health magazine, May 2009.

Hmm...more reason for me to get that diet sorted! :-)

1 comment:

my name is Angus. said...

I am sure that they don't only emit more carbon dioxide! And let's face it, methane can make quite a stink with the atmosphere too.

Mind you, I know a few skinny vegans who could vie for the title Monarch of Greenhouse Gas.