Monday, December 11, 2006

17 week update

Things appear to be going OK, though I do keep worrying about whether the mango (aka the strawberry) is healthy and growing well. My pregnancy still doesn't really feel like anything really different and I'm not really showing so I am still worrying about whether it's alive. I read a lot of posts from mothers and I know I'm not the only one that worries about this but it is still a difficult thing to live with. So, being the person that I am, I am wondering if there are any tools that can be created for mothers to be to keep a tab on baby and it's progress on a daily basis. Not to encourage paranoia but to help alleviate some of the fears? It is something I plan on investigating. I know that in the USA you can hire a baby doppler machine to listen to its heartbeat but have yet to be able to find this here in the Netherlands! If only.

Yesterday I read about a pregnant woman going shopping with her mother and her mother speaking to her mother-to-mother for te first tme, rather than mother-to-daughter. This made me cry and I couldn't stop for ages. I know that would never happen with my mother and the distance between us is massive. I wish it could and it makes me extremely sad that it can't but I know there is nothing that I can do about it. Even so, it is still hard not to wish for it.

Well, that's it from me. Pictures later - I tried to upload bubba moore but the picture was too large and I couldn't! Next time.

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