Saturday, April 01, 2006

april fish

whoa! i have whizzed into april without even knowing it! it's only when everyone didn't believe me today when i told them i fell off the back of moo's bike in the middle of a large intersection and lived to tell the tale that i realised what day it is. (note to self: if incapable of walking then jumping on the back of a bike is not a good idea.)

so back to me thinking about how all the pranks and foolishness started so i did what all good researchers do - i googled it. not that it helped as noone really knows how april fools day came about exactly but i did find out something that tickled my fancy. the day is called "poisson d'avril" in france (april fish) .......aaaaaah - those crazy frenchies, you gotta love 'em!

time for my nap. i am injured you know. if only i could afford the twelve thousand euro hastens bed we saw on thursday.......if only.............

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