Monday, March 06, 2006

day 5

wow. i had always thought it would be great to not have to go into the office but it's now day 5 sick at home and i am the chairman of the bored.......of course, being sick means no going outside so it's quite easy to go a little stir crazy in 70 square meters. i have managed to read some good books between naps though and wanted to let everyone know about them. sal, bless her heart, brought "Angelas Ashes" over on saturday which kept me busy for a few hours. i know it's been out a while but it always looked really depressing so i never read it. it isn't at all depressing, though it is sad, and reminded me that i have a lot. and while having a cold feels like the end of the world, it isn't. i'll have to buy the next book once i'm up and out and about again. it's the first book that i've been able to get into since i finish isabelle allende's book about her dying daughter, "Paula". that deserves a seperate comment though so i will do that when i'm more inspired and can do it justice. the other book i've been reading is also great. i was going to say one for the girls but actually, i think guys should read it too. it is excellent and hopefully i can keep some of it in mind when i'm back at work. it is one thing to know what to do and a completely different thing to actually do it however. but i will try! anyway, i said i was going to try to be productive today, so i'm off to see what the feng shui rules say about the house cause i'm ready to start moving some furniture around!

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